
When exporting a site – you will get a runtime error with a message:

Export result error found:Theme files missing for export. Check if you have themes activated.

Troubleshooting Tips

When exporting the site – theme files are not found (probably theme is deleted) and error is returned to informed the user that there is a problem with the site.

Below are some tips to troubleshoot this error before you will try another export:

  • Visit the site (e.g. yoursite.tld) that you want the export – check the front end. Does it look correct? Does it use the correct theme? If the front end appears broken, please make sure to activate the correct theme.

  • Visit the site WP admin (yoursite.tld/wp-admin/) – check the activated theme for the subsite. Is it correct? Is it there? If the theme appears missing – please make sure to activate the correct theme.

  • Go inside yoursite.tld/wp-admin/ and go to Tools -> SiteHealth -> Info. Click “Copy Site info to clipboard“. Paste it to text editor (e.g., notepad) and save.

  • Open the site info details (which you have copied). Check that multisite = true a. If multisite is false – this means that site is actually a single site and not a subsite. If this is the case – you should install Prime Mover in that single site and then do another export.
  • Lastly, check if wp-active-theme value in your site health data points to theme files that exists in your theme’s directory. If its missing or deleted – then that’s the reason of the error. Please put it back and re-activate the theme.

Still having issues?

Please let us know so we can troubleshoot it as well.

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