Good news ! Prime Mover 1.1.1 is released today with important bug fixes and cool new features.
Change log
- Fixed: No SQL file exported when there is no executable dump command found.
- Fixed: Slow upload restoration mode on localhost.
- Fixed: No MySQLdump error returned when on shell mode.
- Fixed: Incorrect MySQLdump PHP detection.
- Feature: Added contact us form in Prime Mover plugin administration pages.
- Feature: Added documentation link on some settings page.
- Usability: Simplified migration tools page and improve error text.
- Usability: Move important server requisite checks on plugin activation stage.
What this means for you?
Before Prime Mover 1.1.1, we check if your server can support shell or PHP mode for dumping database. However, we don’t add a fallback in case one or two fails. With the new release, there is no possibility of producing no dump file since it will fallback to PHP mode (for MySQLdump) in case the MySQL dump shell mode is not supported.
Usually before, this produces runtime error Incorrect SQL path
on import side. This should no longer be the case with Prime Mover 1.1.1. This error is reported as bug for some clients.
The new version also makes it faster to restore site in localhost. This saves you a lot of time. Take note this is implemented for both free and pro versions of Prime Mover. This is based on some user feedback that restoration is slow on localhost.
Also with Pro version, we added documentation links on the settings page. This helpful for beginners who are still getting acquainted with the plugin. Saves time than doing Googling and finding the correct doc. This is a user suggested feature.
Finally we enabled Freemius contact form for both Free and Pro users. We realized feedback and immediate bug report is so much valuable to the improvement of this plugin as well as to our services.
Contact us for bugs, suggestions and improvements
Prime Mover 1.1.1 allows you to send bug report, suggest improvements via the WordPress admin without needing to go to this site. All emails are confidential (between the developer and to you only).
This is private and ideal for sending logs and debugging information, just in case.
We did the best to make this plugin more testable and stable (last time we counted 1,350+ unit tests). We still anticipate issues and we appreciate your valuable time in reporting this.
Thanks again for using Prime Mover!