Change log
= 1.3.0 =
- Fixed: Export and restore AJAX not working due to cross-site origin issues.
- Fixed: When a multisite subsite is created, automatically create the export folders.
- Fixed: Fatal error on Prime Mover account page on multisite.
- Fixed: Deleted redundant export directories inside a multisite subsite uploads directory.
Release notes at a glance
- If your site have cross origin issues, e.g. your main site URL is http://www.test100.local but your network admin is accessible via http://test100.local/, this prevents AJAX to work correctly (due to cross origin site issues). This is now fixed and you should be able to export and restore site.
- When a new subsite is created in multisite, you usually do this before you should be able to migrate site to it. The Prime Mover export directory is now automatically created for your convenience. So you don’t need to manually create it yourself. This way you can easily store packages right away that you need to migrate.
- There is a bug in Freemius account page reproduce in multisite (in Network admin -> Prime Mover -> Account) after a site is migrated. This is a fatal error and makes the account page inaccessible after a subsite restore. The reason is data corruption and this is now handled with the latest version.
- Also, in the previous releases – Prime Mover creates redundant export directories in your multisite subsite uploads directories. E.g.
….. This should not be the case since the correct export directory is found root uploads directory e.g./wp-content/uploads/prime-mover-export-files/
This issue creates confusion on part of users since they are not sure where to put backups or packages. Since this is now deleted, user should be able to put packages in the correct path.
Contact us
If you noticed issues, we are so happy to hear it by contacting us via (in your WordPress admin) -> Prime Mover -> Contact us. Or you can use the site contact page. Please make sure to add details (screenshots ,etc. ) and if you can provide us access to your site, much better 🙂