
Happy New Year! Prime Mover 2.0.3 is the first release for 2025. This is a maintenance update with a new helpful feature.

Change log

  • Fixed: Preserve user IDs from the source site to the target site if possible.
  • Fixed: Runtime error on database / dB + media restore only, with a difference due to double-quoting table names.
  • Usability: Warn installation of mismatched user administrators and sites with existing content.
  • Tested: Compatibility with the latest PHP 8.4.
  • Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.10.1.

NEW feature: Preserve user ID from source to target site

Previous versions of the Prime Mover plugin will add new users to the target site, and WordPress will create new user IDs (see user migration for details). This is fine but not optimal, mainly if your site functionality heavily depends on user IDs to work (e.g., membership sites, forums, LMS, etc.). Prime Mover has a default auto-user adjustment feature that adjusts the old user IDs to new ones. This works if it can be easily identified (e.g., the database column is using user_id).

However, countless custom implementations make the default auto-user adjustment impossible to handle. An example is when the user ID is hard coded to the database post meta table or any other database table and put inside a serialized string. Prime Mover’s default auto-adjustment cannot handle this since we don’t know how these third-party plugins will store the user IDs—it depends on each plugin.

Therefore, the best solution is to preserve the user IDs from the source site to the target site. This way, the user IDs are preserved, and the default auto-user adjustment does not need to work hard to make these adjustments. It will ensure that your site data integrity is intact after restoring the backup or migrating your site to another site.

For this to work, your site must be fully reset to WordPress fresh install mode, and the administrator’s (e.g., user ID 1) email match the source site’s user ID 1 email. The plugin handles this by performing a user difference check. For details on how this works, please check out this FAQ.

This feature only applies to single-site installations, where users can easily reset the database. It is not yet supported for multisite installs, as the user database is shared among other sites, and a WordPress reset is not feasible.

Bug fix: Runtime error on database only restores if the table uses quotes

For example, you have a WordPress custom database table name with weird names like wp_thirdparty!-#processor%one@'primemover$^

This will create a runtime error when you restore this to the target site using only the database package or database + media-only package (with a warning dialog).

This is now fixed with the latest Prime Mover 2.0.3.

PHP 8.4 compatible

The latest Prime Mover 2.0.3 is tested and compatible with PHP 8.4. So this ensures that using this PHP version, the following will work:

  • Export (non-encrypted or encrypted backups).
  • Restore.
  • All PRO features (including Google Drive/DropBox backup and restore)
  • Automatic backups.

Although some PHP deprecation notices or warnings using PHP 8.4 are observed, these are harmless to functionalities, and we look forward to fixing them in future versions.

Freemius SDK version 2.10.1

Prime Mover 2.0 is shipped with the latest Freemius SDK 2.10, which includes many improvements in stability and performance. For details on what has been changed, please refer to this dedicated change log from Freemius Inc.

We love to hear your thoughts.

We want your feedback if you have comments and feedback on this new version. Thank you!

Emerson Maningo Announcements