Prime Mover 1.2.9 – UX & License Improvement, Bug Fixes and WordPress 5.7 compatibility

Change log = 1.2.9 = Fixed: Usability issues with using free and PRO version in multisites. Fixed: Require minimum PHP version to PHP 7.0 when using PRO version. Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress 5.7. Fixed: Out of memory error when downloading packages in Windows server. Fixed: Packages not auto-updating when changing markup. Fixed: Core functionality errors…

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Prime Mover 1.2.8 – Updated Freemius SDK library and major bug fixes

Prime Mover 1.2.8 is now released in plugin repository (FREE version) and in Freemius release channels (for PRO versions). This release is part of the 2-weeks maintenance release cycle. Change log = 1.2.8 = Fixed: Different search and replace issues associated with page builders data. Fixed: Chunk upload performance issues caused by dirsize_cache. Fixed:…

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Prime Mover 1.2.7 – Maintenance and bug fix release

Today, Prime Mover 1.2.7 is released! This is part of our short cycle two-weeks maintenance release. Though a simple release, it’s packed with very important changes. Keep reading below 🙂 Change log = 1.2.7 = Fixed: Incorrect progress tracker values changing during restoration. Fixed: Unable to activate plugin properly when wp-config.php is read-only. Fixed: Corrupted…

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Prime Mover 1.2.6 – Bug fix and maintenance release

Good news! Today we released Prime Mover 1.2.6. This is part of our 2-weeks maintenance release cycle. Although a minor release, it covers some very important changes. Please check out below! Change log = 1.2.6 = Fixed: Removed deprecated zip extension dependency. Fixed: Runtime errors caused by cached plugin drop-in files and activated caching. Fixed:…

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Prime Mover 1.2.5 – Google Drive Support and Bug Fixes

Great news! Today Prime Mover 1.2.5 is released after a month long wait. This is supposed to be released last December 2020 but postponed due to holidays. So here it is now. Change log = 1.2.5 = Fixed: Timeout errors with remote URL restore. Fixed: Slow and redundant HTTP requests. Fixed: Support for Google Drive….

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