Scope: Prime Mover Free / Pro version
Short answer. Yes. Make sure you are using Prime Mover version 1.0.6 since this feature is added on this version.
Long answer is below.
Why Prime Mover requires same blog IDs between export and import?
When you migrate a multisite sub-site to another multisite sub-site, Prime Mover requires the target blog ID to be the same with the origin site blog ID. For example you have subsite at the origin multisite with blog ID of 6. Prime Mover requires that the target multisite subsite should also be blog ID of 6.
The reason behind this is site validation. In a multisite network, Prime Mover uses blog ID to identify or validate if you are restoring to a correct site. If Prime Mover does not conduct site validation, a user can accidentally overwrite any site on a multisite network !
For example, your origin subsite has blog ID of 6 and then you accidentally restore it to blog ID of 12 (this is a different site in another network). Prime Mover won’t allow you to restore because this is a different site.
Workaround #1: Use Prime Mover version 1.0.6 +
- Go to Tools -> Migration Tools.
- Click “Export” button.
- Say for example, you want generate complete export. (select Export database, media files, plugins and themes.).
- Click “Export to Multisite Format“.
- Say for example you want to migrate to a sub-site with ID of 77. Enter the ID as 77.

Workaround #2 – Prime Mover Target Blog ID (pro version only)
If you have Pro version (including trial version), things will be easier.
Example illustration : Migrate with blog ID of 9 to with blog ID of 12):
- Check first in target multisite that the blog ID 9 is still not used with any sites. You can do this check by going to Network Admin -> Sites -> All sites and then search the blog ID.

- Congratulations, based on the above screenshot, blog ID 9 is still not used with any sites (it gives “No sites found”.). This means we can use this as our importing ID instead of blog ID 12.
- Now go to Sites -> Add New. You need to create a new site which is now using a blog ID of 9.
- In Pro version of Prime version (trial included), you should see a new section Prime Mover Target Blog ID ( Optional )
- Go ahead and make sure you enter target blog ID as 9 when creating this site.

- Finally click “Add site“. If target blog ID 9 is still not used with any site, the new site should be created with blog ID of 9. Otherwise if its already used by another site, WordPress generates a different blog ID (which is not 9, since 9 is already used).
- At this point, you should have a blog ID of 9 at the target site and in the origin source site also. You should be able to proceed to sub-site to sub-site migration.
What if target blog ID is already used by another/different sub-site? You should use the first workaround (subsite -> single-site (then generate any blog ID ) -> back to subsite again.
Future plans on handling this
We have plans to make this process easier for users. So in the future versions of Prime Mover, you can specify target blog ID when you export sub-site to another sub-site (just like what we have in single-site to multisite).
We don’t have definite timeline yet because this process can take some time to test. (This is already added since version 1.0.6)