Change log
= 1.5.2 =
- Compatibility: Support for third party plugins user adjustment API.
- Refactoring: Prime Mover plugin manager script to support API use.
- Fixed: Deprecation warnings when using PHP 8.0+.
- Fixed: Runtime error when restoring incomplete objects in PHP 8.0+.
- Fixed: User taxonomy is not corrected imported.
User adjustment API
Prime Mover adds a new API that can be used by any third party plugins having incompatibility issues. These are user migration issues arising from the fact that the user ID after import might be different from the source site. Third party plugin data is only affected when they are hard coding user ID’s in the WordPress database.
Details about how this can be read in the Prime Mover user adjustment API guide.
Better PHP 8.0+ support
Earlier versions have warnings and errors when using PHP 8.0+. This is fixed with Prime Mover 1.5.2. Example of the fatal runtime errors fixed is in connection with this core ticket.
Better user taxonomy export-import support
There are bugs found in the earlier versions of Prime Mover regarding this aspect. It’s now fixed with the latest version.
Got questions?
Please send us your inquiry here. Thank you!