
Prime Mover 1.6.2 is a maintenance and bug fix release update. This is part of the usual 2-weeks release cycle.

Change log

= 1.6.2 =

  • Fixed: PHP errors during migration processes due to cron tasks running.
  • Fixed: Unable to do remote URL request on a single site plan.
  • Fixed: When package is deleted in package manager – remote URL request should return 404.
  • Fixed: Search and replace issue with base64 encoded URLs.
  • Fixed: MySQL errors in third party processing restore code when retrying.

Disabling cron tasks

WordPress cron runs at a specified intervals when a site visit event occurs. This is can be triggered internally (through WordPress hooks) or externally by calling the WordPress cron.php via a system scheduler (e.g .the Unix cron)

WordPress cron task events can do simple operations (e.g. core crons like checking for plugin/theme updates, transient handling, etc.) or even complex operations – for example the one added by third party plugins like WooCommerce, etc.

Prime Mover 1.6.2 release blocks cron execution during any migration/backup processes. This is to prevent errors caused when a scheduled cron task runs in parallel with the migration. This could interrupt or even corrupt migration data and cause PHP/runtime errors.

All deferred cron tasks will then resume normal operations after any Prime Mover processes. Prime Mover never adds, deletes or edit core and third party plugin cron tasks. It simply defers it’s operations so that it will not interfere with Prime Mover processes.

Better support for remote URL migration for single-site PRO plan

Previously – remote URL migration using WordPress API requires having PRO license on both sites. This causes usability issue for PRO users because a single site license can only be used for one-site. When a PRO user exports a site – user needs to deactivate the license in the source site and then activate that single site license in the target site to proceed with the migration. Since the source site is not anymore in PRO plan – Prime Mover PRO blocks this migration which causes usability issue because user thinks it requires another license to proceed it.

This is no longer the case since Prime Mover 1.6.2 – this type of migration is now fully supported.

Better support for encoded page builders data

Some page builders encode image URL’s data in base64 encoding. These type of URLs cannot be searched and replaced at the target site since the URL’s are encoded. As a result the URLs are still pointing to the old site and causes 404/not found errors. Prime Mover added this support starting in version 1.6.2.

For now the support is on tagDiv plugins – if your site is affected with this issue (e.g. encoded base64 URLs) and using a different page builder solution – please let us know.

Found issues?

Get in touch with us and please report issues via this contact form. Thank you!

Emerson Maningo Announcements