Prime Mover 1.6.5 is part of a two-weeks maintenance cycle release. It covers important bug and compatibility fixes.
Change log
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with Bitnami WordPress virtual machine.
- Fixed: Canonical upload directory path issues during restore.
- Fixed: Incomplete migration logs.
- Fixed: Incorrect plugin paths for adding plugin headers to cache.
- Fixed: Prime Mover creating wrong export directories during restore.
- Fixed: Disable heartbeat API only on locked Prime Mover processes.
- Fixed: Foreign constraint key exceeding 64 character limit.
Bitnami WordPress compatibility
Older versions of Prime Mover (before version 1.6.5) have issues when used with Bitnami WordPress. If your server is using this type of platform – make sure you update to latest version 1.6.5 and use it to export / restore.
In addition, please check out this tutorial on detailed configuration when using Bitnami WordPress with Prime Mover plugin.
Upload directory path issue during restore
When restoring a site – the dB data are overwritten with the migrated database. This can cause incorrect upload directory path values since these are saved in the database.
The side effect – missing logs, creating folders in wrong paths – etc. This is now fully fixed with version 1.6.5.
Disable Heartbeat API during any locked processes
Heartbeat API is enabled by default in WordPress. This is not used when running any Prime Mover processes (e.g. export, restore, etc). It is because third party plugins or hooks are also disabled. When this is enabled – it will run a WordPress AJAX event that can interfere with the ongoing processes.
This also improves performance and reduce side-effect issues.
MySQL dB foreign key constraint error
MySQL implemented a 64 character limit on constraint identifier. When restoring a dB – Prime Mover uses a unique identifier to prevent conflicts. Starting with Prime Mover 1.6.5 – it now enforces a 64 character limit.
This will prevent getting database errors when restoring a site.
Release feedback
If you have some comments – please let us know.