Change log
= 1.8.0 =
- Feature: Full support of non-writable wp-config.php.
- Fixed: PHP Warning: Zend OPcache API is restricted by “restrict_api” configuration directive.
- Fixed: Unable to create plugin manager script if MU plugins directory is not writable.
- Fixed: Runtime error on export due to third party plugin conficts.
- Fixed: Issues with exporting user taxonomies.
- Fixed: Missing constants on uninstall for non-writable wp-config.php.
- Fixed: Usability issue on upload misconfiguration error message.
Feature – Full automated support for non-writable wp-config.php
Prime Mover 1.8.0 is a major update that focuses on supporting readonly wp-config.php. Before – this requires manual user intervention and it can be a hassle for some users.
Now with version 1.8.0 – there is a fully automated support so Prime Mover can be activated without any issues or doing any manual changes. This allows Prime Mover to be activated flawlessly in all hosts that restricts writing access to wp-config.php.
If you are already using older versions and doing manual configuration (for the plugin to activated) – it is still supported and this release should be backward compatible with older setup without any changes needed.
However for best results – it is suggested that you don’t uninstall or deleted the older version when upgrading to the newer version. You should use the native WordPress update or native plugin installer which is supported by default. This avoids deleting any configuration constants you have set manually when using older versions.
This feature is available for both FREE and PRO version of Prime Mover.
Require mu-plugins to be fully writable
It is a more common hosting setup with mu-plugins writable than a writable wp-config.php (due to WordPress security recommendations). Prime Mover 1.8.0 now fully checks if this directory is writable and the plugin cannot be activated if this directory is not writable.
Writing Prime Mover constants to mu-plugins directory is the only automated solution available for hosts that restricts write access to wp-config.php. This should work for most cases and even some hosting technical support would suggest this solution (if their wp-config.php file is only readonly).
So if mu-plugins directory is not writable – there is no other workaround that can support Prime Mover except to make mu-plugins directory writable.
Bug Fix: Zend OpCache restrict_api
In previous release – it assumes that host does not implemented restricted OpCache implementation. This is not true in all cases. In fact – if host restricts OpCache API access , it can causes PHP errors and warnings.
This is now fully fixed with Prime Mover 1.8.0.
Other bug fixes
Fixed: Runtime error on export due to third party plugin conflicts. – there is runtime error when running third party plugins during export. The only solution is to completely exclude running third party plugins during export/import and handle crucial tasks in load runtime.
Fixed: Issues with exporting user taxonomies. – there issue with exporting user taxonomies that is fixed with this version. It should not affect if you are not using user taxonomies.
Fixed: Missing constants on uninstall for non-writable wp-config.php. – in case you wp-config.php is not writable and the constants are written to mu-plugins directory. This is not deleted when uninstalling the plugin to avoid accidentally deleting the encryption keys being set.
Fixed: Usability issue on upload misconfiguration error message. – there is usability issue with the message regarding PHP upload configuration. This is now fixed with Prime Mover 1.8.0