Change log
= 1.8.7 =
- Fixed: Updated Freemius SDK to version 2.5.8.
- Fixed: Usability issues on remote URL migrate button in package manager.
- Fixed: Runtime error on exporting database due to customized DB_HOST.
- Fixed: Compatibility issues with SSL-enabled database servers.
Release Highlights
- This release adds compatibility to database servers configured with require secure transport. This is usually servers that strictly require encrypted only connections from and to WordPress database.
- Some hosting servers such as Linode manage database will not work with older versions of Prime Mover. It is recommended to update to the latest version so the database export will work.
- This release also updates the Freemius SDK to latest version 2.5.8 which is also a maintenance release. You can read more about their release notes here.
- In addition, a usability issue on remote URL PRO feature has been fixed also in this version. Copy restore URL is now visible in the package manager even if the license has been deactivated in the source site. This allows user to click the “Copy restore URL” in the source site and migrate the package to the target site (where the license is now activated).
- Previously these copy restore links are not visible in older versions – making this feature harder to use for single-site license holders. It is because single-site license holders need deactivate the license in the source site and transfer that license to the target site to use the PRO remote URL feature. The “Copy restore URL” in the source site is now visible (in source site with deactivated license) for ease of use during any site migration.
This is how it looks like:

Got feedback?
If you have issues that we are not yet aware of. Please share your thoughts in the plugin here.