Thank you for purchasing Prime Mover PRO! Before you can enable PRO version and use it’s features – you need to successfully activate it. There are several ways you can activate PRO version.
The Basics after Purchase
After purchase or trial signup- Freemius (our licence provider) will send an email with subject like “Thanks for upgrading” or “Your free 14-day trial started“. This email contains important details about your buyer account such as your Freemius username/password. Once you have this email – follow the steps below:
- Login to your Freemius account using the credentials provided in the email.
- Download the PRO version zip from Downloads.
- Upload the Prime Mover PRO zip to your site to install.
- Activate Prime Mover PRO (in multisite – please network activate).
- [OPTIONAL] If it ask for license key, enter the license key. You can get this from your Freemius account -> go to Licenses.
- [OPTIONAL] If it says the license is already utilized or you already exceeded the license limit. Please deactivate the license first inside your Freemius account before re-using it again (on another site).
- Once you activate the PRO version of the plugin. You should be able to see the box where you need to enter the license key:
- Finally enter the license key in the box. The license key can be found in the email sent from Freemius (after purchase) or its available in your Freemius buyer account.
I cannot activate license due to errors?
This is usually caused by corrupted Freemius data (by other plugins /themes that uses Freemius). However this can be reset easily. If you have issues activating the license due to errors, please refer to this detailed FAQ.
I do not see where to put the license key?
The basic procedure as stated previously should allow you to enter the license key (after purchase).
However in some rare case (e.g. you don’t opt-in to Freemius emails). You will not be able to see Prime Mover -> Account. Alternatively you can activate the license via WordPress admin -> Plugins.
This is how it looks like:
Click “Activate License” and you should be able to enter the license key there.
License is not activated because it says it’s already utilized?
This means that the license is already utilized by some of your other sites and you hit the license limit. For example if you only have single-site license. The license is only valid for one site. If this license is already activated somewhere else – you will get an error if you activate this on another site.
Your option is either to upgrade the license that can accommodate all the sites you have.
The other option is you can deactivate the license in your Freemius account so you can re-activate the license in your other site. To do this option, please refer to this tutorial.
I want to reset the license?
You might want to reset license if you think some Freemius data is corrupted and it’s returning errors on your Freemius Account page or you are unable to activate PRO features. This is also useful if you are unable to activate PRO features despite following the above procedures. To do this, please follow this tutorial.