Reset the Freemius data to fix errors.

Unable to activate the license is usually caused by corrupted Freemius licensing data. This fix applies to any errors that prevent you from successfully activating the license (after purchase, upgrades, or anything else). This procedure also helps to clear the outdated Freemius data on your site so you can start with a fresh state.

To fix this:

  1. Deactivate the Prime Mover plugin. (network deactivate if multisite)
  2. Install and activate this Freemius Fixer plugin. (network activate if multisite)
  3. Click Clean up data and deactivate.
  4. You will be redirected to an empty page, but don’t worry; the resetting is done now.
  5. Navigate back to your site using the browser address bar.
  6. [Multisite only] If you are on a multisite, go to the main site WordPress admin -> Plugins and activate Freemius Fixer.
  7. [Multisite only] Click Clean up data and deactivate.
  8. [Multisite only] You will be redirected to an empty page.
  9. [Multisite only] Navigate to your site using the browser address bar.
  10. [Multisite only] Make sure the Freemius Fixer plugin is deactivated on the main site.
  11. Activate the Prime Mover plugin. (network activate if multisite)
  12. [OPTIONAL – if using PRO version) Activate your license on your selected sites; you should have no more problems. If difficulties persist, please contact us.
  13. You can delete Freemius Fixer if you don’t need it anymore.

How do you fix license errors that have already been utilized?

Licenses are already utilized, and errors occur when you try to activate a license already used by other sites. For example:

Please read this tutorial on deactivating all sites’ licenses to fix this.

Do you have the restrict sites feature enabled?

This Freemius licensing feature can prevent you from adequately activating the license on “any” sites. To turn this off:

  • Login to your Freemius account.
  • Go to the “Licenses” tab.
  • Click the row containing the active license. You should be able to see the license details.
  • Scroll down in the license details and find “License security.”
  • Under License security – click “Restrict sites.”
  • You should be able to see a pop-up. IMPORTANT: Make sure this list is empty. You should not see any sites listed. It should only look like the screenshot below (no URLs or domains of sites allowed):

Recommendation: If you see any sites there, please “delete all of them” to turn off this feature. Then, you should be able to activate your license to any site.

Other known license activation issues

Issues affecting license activation relate to your server, ISP, site settings, caching, etc. For details, please read this guide from Freemius Inc.

Localhost limitations

If you want to activate the license on the localhost/development/staging environment for free, ensure your site runs from a domain named “localhost.” Alternatively, you can run it from one of the following subdomains: “local.” “dev.”, “test.” or “staging.”

Contact technical support

If any of the issues persist after you have tried all the suggestions, please get in touch with us and provide your WordPress site username and password, and we will try to check this issue directly on your site 🙂

Last updated: January 28, 2025

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