
Prime Mover 1.9.6 is a compatibility and bug fix update. This is backward compatible to all previous versions.

Change log

  • Fixed: Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while require_secure_transport=ON.
  • Fixed: Compatibility issues with Easy Digital Downloads plugin.
  • Fixed: www converted to WP Paths in URLs – search replace issue.
  • Fixed: Exclude redundant bb-platform-previews by default.

Insecure transport bug fix

There is a bug fixed that returns fatal error on some hosting with MySQL secure transport enabled. This issue will only occur when exporting the package. Specifically – the error happens when dumping the database of the site.

If you are getting this error in your runtime error log:

Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while require_secure_transport=ON

Make sure to update to the latest Prime Mover 1.9.6+ which should fix this issue.

Easy Digital Downloads Compatibility

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin is a popular WordPress plugin used for selling digital files in WordPress. This plugin uses a lot of custom database tables. With these tables there are lot of user ID columns that is hard coded in the database.

Previous versions of Prime Mover is not compatible with EDD and requires a custom user adjustment API . This is now handled in Prime Mover 1.9.6 by default. Take note that the compatibility support is basic and it’s based on the free version. If you still happen to have issues with the user ID’s – please let us know. We will run a few tests to verify this.

Search replace issue bug fix

This is a fix to the bug reported in WordPress.org. The probability of happening is not that much unless you have a WordPress site with /www as root. Take note that the fix is added on the importer code. This means you don’t need to re-create another export to get the fix.

You simply need to update to Prime Mover 1.9.6 and restore the package, that’s it!

bb-platform-previews default exclusion

bb-platform-previews is a folder that contains only symlinks. It is linked to files inside your BuddyPress assets and media. When a site is exported – Prime Mover resolves symlinks and add it to the package. While other symlinks are OK – this folder can be huge. It can include links to very large files. However these files are already found in the uploads directory which makes this folder redundant.

This is now excluded by default with Prime Mover 1.9.6. In older versions – user will have to use the media exclusion feature that is available only in PRO versions. By excluding this folder by default – package size will be smaller and more efficient to backup/restore.

Concerns or issues?

If you have concern that his new update introduces a new issue – please let us know so we will take a look as soon as possible.

Emerson Maningo Announcements