
  • After purchase and upgrade to Prime Mover PRO – you will be redirected back to Prime Mover PRO account page in your WordPress admin.
  • You click the button or link “Download PRO version” or “Download the latest PRO version” in the Prime Mover account page.
  • You will be redirected to an error page with message “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page“.


After purchase – your Freemius account or purchase is not fully validated or verified.


  • After purchase – you should receive an email to your inbox with subject “Thanks for upgrading
  • This email contains all of your account upgrade information.
  • To download the Prime Mover PRO, click the link in the email “Download the plugin’s PRO version“. Please see screenshot below:
  • Install and activate the Prime Mover PRO to your target site.
  • That’s it.

If you cannot download the PRO version zip inside your email for some reason (e.g. blocked by your email client ,etc.):

  • Login to your Freemius account. You can get your Freemius account credentials in the email after purchase or upgrade.
  • Click “Downloads” section inside your Freemius account.
  • From there – you can download the latest PRO version. That’s it.

Getting your License Key

  • Login to your Freemius account. You can get your Freemius account credentials in the email after purchase or upgrade.
  • Click “Licenses” section in the Freemius account page.
  • From there you can get your license key for which you can paste to your target site so you can have Prime Mover PRO features activated.

If it says – License is already utilized

This is usually caused when the license key is activated in your Freemius account but it’s not yet used in your target site. You need to deactivate the license first inside your Freemius account before activating it to your site.

If you still have PHP or fatal errors when activating licenses

If you still cannot activate license key or have PHP errors, please reset your license key before re-activating it to your target site.

Still have PRO activating issues?

Please contact tech support and include all details regarding to your account.

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