Prime Mover

Prime Mover® is a complete WordPress migration solution for moving single-site to a multisite platform and vice versa.

Administrators or Network administrators can use this to migrate WordPress to the following supported modes :

  • Migrate single-site to another server single-site installation and vice versa.
  • Migrate single-site to a multisite subsite installation and vice versa.
  • Migrate multisite subsite to single-site.
  • Migrate multisite subsite to another multisite subsite. (even with different blog IDs).
  • Backup a single site or multisite sub-site so it can be restored at any time.

This can also be used to migrate a single-site installation to another single-site installation or a multisite subsite to another multisite subsite installation.

Buy and Download

News and Updates

General Documentation:

Frequently Asked Questions

Prime Mover Technical Requirements

Complete guide on Prime Mover Licensing

How to migrate your WordPress single-site to another single site

How to migrate your WordPress single-site to a multisite subsite

How to migrate your WordPress multisite subsite to single-site

How to migrate your WordPress multisite subsite to another multisite network

Prime Mover single-site and multisite packages

How to get a multisite target blog ID?

Can I change the exporting Blog ID to another site that imports the blog ID?

Prime Mover User Migration documentation

Using Prime Mover when wp-config.php is not writable

Best practices when migrating large sites with Prime Mover Plugin

FAQ: How do you download the WPRIME package using other methods?

How do you extract the WPRIME package manually?

How do you migrate very large WordPress sites by parts?

FAQ – How does WordPress multisite migration affect the main site?

FAQ: What is the difference between “Export as subsite backup” and “Export to multisite format?

Prime Mover user adjustment API complete documentation

How do you free up space and delete unneeded files and backups?

How do you cancel ongoing exports or imports and try again?

Custom user adjustment usage feature

How to create a fresh WordPress install with a specific administrator email?

Pro Version Documentation

“Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.” when downloading Prime Mover PRO

FAQ – How do you activate Prime Mover PRO?

How can Prime Mover PRO licenses be activated in some of your WordPress Multisite subsites?

Prime Mover PRO: How do you deactivate licenses inside your Freemius account?

How do I generate an invoice under the company name (after purchase)?

Getting Started with Pro Version

How to upgrade your existing PRO plan to a higher plan?

How do you enable encryption support in the Prime Mover Pro version?

Configure Basic Settings in Prime Mover Pro

How to Add and Configure Authorization Keys?

How to restore backup packages using the new Prime Mover backup management (added in version 1.0.7)

How to Export and Restore using the Remote URL feature

Prime Mover Pro Custom Backup Directory

How do you exclude plugins in Prime Mover Pro?

How do we exclude uploading media files in Prime Mover Pro?

How do you test Prime Mover Pro single-site license in WordPress Multisite?

Prime Mover Google Drive Integration

Prime Mover Dropbox integration

How do you back up and migrate a multisite main site in WordPress?

How do you convert WordPress’s multisite main site into a single site installation?

Solution: 403 Forbidden error after Prime Mover purchase/upgrade

Automatic backup PRO feature documentation

How do you enable automatic backup for WordPress multisite and single-site?

How do you add custom backup schedules for automatic backup?

How do you use an external cron service to trigger automatic backups?

How do you use your hosting cron to trigger automatic backups?

How do you restart the scheduled backup process?

Automatic Backup – Frequently Asked Questions

Troubleshooting guide

Troubleshooting: yourpackage.wprime is not a valid migration package when using Hostinger Preview domain

Troubleshooting: Unable to activate Prime Mover in restricted mu-plugins directory

Troubleshooting: I have not received account-related emails since the purchase.

Workaround – Unable to install theme or delete plugins after migration from multisite to single-site (standalone)

Troubleshooting: “Unauthorized Download” error when using remote URL PRO feature?

Troubleshooting: The site URL is not defined on this site. Please check your multisite settings

Help! My export and restore is very slow after updating to Prime Mover 1.9.5+

Troubleshooting: Unable to rename tables, please check that your database is not empty or these tables exist

Troubleshooting: Stalled restore or export guide

Troubleshooting: ArchiveIOException – Failed to write to archive stream during Export

Troubleshooting: No packages found

How do you troubleshoot corrupted packages?

Export stuck at 0% – Troubleshooting guide

Troubleshooting: mysqli_stmt_get_result() – The plugin cannot be activated if this function is missing

How to uninstall the Prime Mover plugin?

Post-migration Troubleshooting: Tips and Advice

Runtime error: Mismatch source and target database charset error

Mismatch Import! Error – Troubleshooting and solutions

How do you submit debug data to support?

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_anonymous() on bool

Prime Mover Pro: Media files NOT encrypted when it should be

Zip failed! Some file paths exceed Windows MAX_PATH limit

How do you add default Prime Mover constants to the “mu-plugins” directory?

Import / Restoration Hang or Freeze Issue Troubleshooting

I got an “Export fails” or “Import Fails” Error – Can you try increasing the web server timeout?

cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds

FAQ – Troubleshoot Slow Uploads on Package restoration on Local / Remote

Runtime error: Theme files missing for export. Check if you have themes activated

Error: Your MySQL server max_allowed_packet size is insufficient

Runtime error: Uncaught TypeError: urldecode(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given

Troubleshooting: Invalid Site Details Collection – Plugin activation error

Troubleshooting: Export process fails for site ID if using Cloudflare

Help! I’m not able to login to my site due to insufficient disk space (after creating a backup)

Troubleshooting Dropbox integration issues with Prime Mover

How to update Prime Mover PRO to the latest version if you encounter an error?

Troubleshooting: All posts and pages are 404 after migration except the homepage

Last updated: November 30, 2024